The Journey: Hope
Tony Woodall kicks off our Advent series with a word on “Hope”
The Overcoming Church
Steve Van Denend wraps up our series on Life and Doctrine with a word on "The Overcoming Church" and a beautiful testimony from Jessica VanDevelde.
The Church Is Gifted
Tony Woodall shares a word on the gifts of the Holy Spirit and their manifestations and applications in the modern church.
The Church Is A Temple
Steve Van Denend continues our Life and Doctrine series with a word on "The Church Is A Temple," and Beth Coakley shares a testimony.
The Church Is Light
Neil Schori continues our series with a timely word on "The Church Is Light".
The Church Is Salt
Steve Van Denend continues our series in Life and Doctrine with a word on the church's call to be salt
The Church That Loves
Tony Woodall continues our series on "Life and Doctrine" with a word on the Church that Loves
The Church Is A Body
Steve Van Denend shares a word on the calling of the church to be one body.
The Unoffendable Church
Tony shares a word on the Unoffendable Church
The Church That Prays
The Edge Church shares in a morning of prayer for the persecuted church, the American Church, and The Edge Church.
Why the Church: Part 2
Tony Woodall shares part 2 of "Why the Church" with a word that dives further into God's heart and plans for His Bride, the church.