Toni Van Denend shares a word on who we are as the Church.
Why the Church: Part 1
Tony Woodall continues our series, "Life and Doctrine" with a word on God's intention for the Body of Christ, the Church.
Worship as Warfare
Corey McNamara continues in our series "Life and Doctrine" with a word on "Worship as Warfare".
New Testament Giving
Mark Loerop continues our series on Life and Doctrine" with a word on New Testament Giving
Overcoming Unforgiveness Together
Tony Woodall shares a word on overcoming unforgiveness together
Overcoming Pride Together
Tony Woodall continues our series "Life and Doctrine" with a word on overcoming pride together.
Overcoming Idols Together
Tony Woodall continues our series on Life & Doctrine with a word on overcoming idols together as a community.
Overcoming Shame Together
Tony Woodall shares on overcoming shame together as a community
Overcoming Rejection Together
Tony Woodall share a message on overcoming rejection together as a community.
The Body That Heals
Tony Woodall shares a recap of freedom ministry at The Edge, and speaks about the Lord's heart and intention for the body to help one another heal and be free.
The Eternal, Everlasting God
Steve Van Denend preaches on The Eternal, Everlasting God
The Lord God
Steve Van Denend gives a word on The Lord God