The Word of God
We are committed to teaching, communicating, pursuing, knowing and living out the truth of God’s word in its entirety as given to us in the Bible.
"Living" Prayer
We are committed to pursuing God in prayer—asking, listening, contending for others, and fighting spiritual battles. We pray continually, boldly, and expectantly. (1 Thess 5:17)
Radical Generosity
We recognize that we have been made to be like Jesus, who “did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many”. All we have has been given to us by God and therefore belongs to Him. Therefore, in joy and with gratitude, we respond by surrendering our time, talents, and treasures to Him for the benefit of others and for His eternal kingdom purposes here on the earth. (Matthew 25:21)
Authentic Relationships
We are a family that is devoted, honoring, honest, genuine, gracious, humble, respectful, kind, encouraging, selfless and loving towards one another as we share life together. (1 Peter 4:8)
Capital “C” Church
We are committed to the Church, not simply our church. We believe that the heart of God is the unity of His bride and that we are to love His church like He does. It is therefore our desire to be known as a church that looks beyond our own needs, goals, and programs to love, serve, build up and expand the Body of Christ throughout the world. Our commitment to the Church leads us to pursue genuine relationships with other church leaders and church communities. (John 17:21)
The radical pursuit of God
We are committed to pursuing the full life Jesus offers to us with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. The Christian life is a relationship. This begins by being first settled in God’s unconditional love for us and is reciprocated in our love for Him. We know that as we pursue God our Father, we are continually transformed into His image and likeness. Furthermore, we understand that our pursuit of God and obedience to His Spirit will cause us to grow in love, service, leadership, giving and maturity. (Matthew 6:33)
We are committed to being a people who strive to outdo one another in giving honor with our words and actions. (Romans 12:10)
We are committed to being a people who host and experience the manifest presence of God. That as we grow in recognizing the Holy Spirit’s presence and learn to follow His lead we will be better be able to do the works of Christ, destroy the works of the devil and fulfill the will of the Father. (John 1:32)
Redemption + Transformation
We are committed to partnering with God in His redemptive work throughout all of creation. We welcome and receive the powerful work of transformation in our lives and make ourselves available for the Spirit to bring about transformation in our world through our lives. (Ephesians 4:24)
Acceptance + Expectance
At The Edge Church everyone is accepted as they are, but everyone is expected to grow. We believe that the amazing grace of the gospel accepts everyone as they are, yet calls everyone to the never-ending work of the gospel that conforms us and grows us up into the fullness of Christ. We are committed to being and becoming all that God has made us to be, walking in holiness and wholeness, mature and complete and lacking nothing. (James 1:4)
Our God is excellent and perfect in all He does. In response to Him, we seek to offer to God our very best with what we have been given. This means that we strive to offer our very best of what God entrusts us with—whether it be our spiritual gifts, resources, facilities, ministries, or the moments we have together. We believe this kind of excellence quite simply and powerfully honors God and inspires others. (Colossians 3:17)
Our Creator is a creative God who has created us in His image to be creative like He is. We therefore embrace and encourage various forms of art and creativity as expressions of our hearts to God, and welcome new and innovative ways and methods of sharing Christ with others. (Genesis 1:27)
We are committed to developing and commissioning God-honoring, Spirit-led, Christ-exalting, strong, able, spiritually and emotionally healthy leaders that lead with humble authority and holy ambition. (2 Timothy 2:2)