The word gospel simply means “good news.” It's the central message of the Bible, and it's all about the person and work of Jesus Christ.

The Good

God loves you and he wants to have a relationship with you. It’s true. He knows you by name. He wants you to know Him by name. He wants to love you for all eternity. This is His plan for you and the reason why He created you.

The Bad

We are all dying a little each day. Eventually we will be dead. We cry at funerals because we know there’s something wrong with that. We’re right. The Bible says that “the wages of sin is death”. (Romans 6:23a) We die because we sin. All of us have sinned. All of us have gone against our own conscience and committed wrong. We know it. We’re guilty. The problem is that God must punish our sin because He is perfect and no wrong thing can be in His presence. As long as our sin remains unforgiven, we are separated from God.

The Answer

The Bible says "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) God sent his son to die for our sins. When Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross the penalty for our sin was paid. When He rose from the dead three days later, He secured eternal life for all who believe in Him. Jesus is the answer.

What You Can Do

It’s simple. The Bible says “If you confess with your mouth “Jesus is Lord” and if you believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved”. (Romans 10:9). Many skeptics scoff at this. “How could it be that simple?” they say. But it is. And it is because it’s not about what we do, it is in fact all about who Jesus is and what He has done for us. Jesus did all of the work. All what is left for us to do is accept the gift of His salvation and begin to live a life pleasing to Him. But it all starts with receiving the gift of salvation. If you’ve never received Jesus into your heart, pray this simple prayer:

Lord, I have sinned against you.
I know that I deserve punishment for my sin.
I thank you that you paid the penalty for my sin on the cross.
I believe that you rose again from the dead.
I receive your forgiveness and I trust that I will now inherit eternal life.
I now choose to turn from my sin and turn toward you, Jesus.
I give you my life.

If you’ve just given your life to Jesus, we would love to hear about it and help you take the next steps on your journey with Him. Please contact us or visit us on Sunday! Welcome to the family of God!