More Than You Bargained For (John 4:43-54)

Jesus Encounters- Sometimes when we ask God for something, we also try to tell Him how to do it as well. But when Jesus answers prayers, sometimes He gives us more than we bargained for (John 4:43-54).

This message was broadcast on Sunday, March 6, 2022. The Edge Church is located in Aurora, Illinois. For more information about our community, please visit Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for additional content and connections.

Crossing All The Lines (John 4:1-42)

Jesus Encounters- When Jesus encountered the woman at the well, He crossed all cultural lines to reach her. In doing so, He saved not only the woman but her village as well. (John 4:1-42)

This message was broadcast on Sunday, February 27, 2022. The Edge Church is located in Aurora, Illinois. For more information about our community, please visit Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for additional content and connections.

How Can This Be?

Jesus Encounters- Nicodemus was a teacher of all Israel and yet an encounter with Jesus had him question, how can this be? (John 3:1-15)

This message was broadcast on Sunday, February 20, 2022. The Edge Church is located in Aurora, Illinois. For more information about our community, please visit Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for additional content and connections.

Unlikely Disciples

Jesus Encounters- Jesus called a unlikely group of men to follow Him and be His disciples. What made this group of twelve so unique? And does it say more about them or their Savior? Matthew 4:18-22

This message was broadcast on Sunday, February 6, 2022. The Edge Church is located in Aurora, Illinois. For more information about our community, please visit Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for additional content and connections.

Communion- A Personal Connection

God wants to be connected to us, He always has and always will. Communion is all about that connection. From the first passover in Exodus to the Last Supper, communion has been a part of God's plan.

This message was broadcast on Sunday, January 30, 2022. The Edge Church is located in Aurora, Illinois. For more information about our community, please visit Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for additional content and connections.

Seeking God for the Sake of the World

What does it mean to seek God first? Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:33, Seek first His kingdom, and His righteousness, He says, and all these things will be given to you as well. We also know that God calls us to intercede on behalf of our world. So what does it look like to seek God for the sake of the world? '

This message was broadcast on Sunday, January 23, 2022. The Edge Church is located in Aurora, Illinois. For more information about our community, please visit Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for additional content and connections.

Seeking God As The Church

What does it mean to seek God first? Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:33, Seek first His kingdom, and His righteousness, He says, and all these things will be given to you as well. We can apply this to our personal faith, but what does it mean to seek God first in community? In the Church? Ephesians 1:4-6 provides us with instructions on what a Spirit bound church can look like.

This message was broadcast on Sunday, January 16, 2022. The Edge Church is located in Aurora, Illinois. For more information about our community, please visit Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for additional content and connections.

What Does It Mean To Seek God First?

What does it mean to seek God first? Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:33, Seek first His kingdom, and His righteousness, He says, and all these things will be given to you as well. Jesus words here in Matthew six are paralleled in a passage from the Old Testament in the book of Haggai. This often overlooked Old Testament book has a powerful message from God to us that is just as relevant today as it was thousands of years ago. Seek First.

This message was broadcast on Sunday, January 9, 2022. The Edge Church is located in Aurora, Illinois. For more information about our community, please visit

New Year’s Devotional 2022

New Year’s Devotional 2022

1) While every year certainly has its joys, it also has its hardships. Take a moment and think about the most difficult things you faced this year. Maybe it was with work or school, maybe in your marriage or family or another relationship, maybe it was with your health or finances. Take a moment and write them down (you can also share this with those you’re gathered with). Now really focus, pay attention, open your heart to hear from Him. Can you see God in the mix of each of those three things? In what way? What did you learn through each of those things? 

We can think about the Israelites’ great exit from slavery during Moses’ time. There was only one way to the promised land, and it was through the river. It probably seemed impossible to them. How are we going to make it? But God made a way…through it. Can you see how He made a way for you this year -- through it? 

And, what if you don’t feel through it yet? What if you feel stuck at the shoreline and not sure how to take the next step…or in the middle of the river and your tired or scared or don’t see the way forward? Invite the Lord into what you’re going through – invite Him to reveal His presence, His wisdom, provide His strength… Invite Him to be in it WITH you, tangibly, through it. Ask the Lord to help you trust Him as He leads you through it.

Here’s the thing….Satan loves to take the hard things in our life and basically say, “SEE!... God isn’t kind or good or present or care or doesn’t love you or isn’t strong enough”. But He is and He does. We have to really look, especially in those hard times to see how He was there all along, making a way for you, being with you, grieving with you, providing for you. We want you to look at those hard things so that you can see that part of your story through God’s lens. 

The other thing He invites you to do is to hold fast to His promises; here’s a few for you to open God’s Word, read the full passage in its’ entirety and put to memory:

  • Romans 8:28 – He’s working it out for your good

  • Hebrews 13:5 - He’s never leaving you or giving up on you

  • Philippians 4:19 - He’s providing for all your needs

  • Isaiah 41:10 – He’s with you and helping you

Now, take a moment to listen in to this song and reflect on the words of it: 


2) Now, take a few moments and think about all the ways God has been good to you this past year. Don’t get caught up in grand things. Consider the small ways – the breath you just took, which reflects the grace and kindness of God in your life, the fact that you can move, the new neighbor you met, the friendship that has grown… Don’t just look for the great, big obvious joys (new jobs, home, baby), rather think of the million small ways He’s shown His goodness to you. Take a moment to write these down (you can also share these with those you’re gathered with) and then pray and thank God for His goodness and blessings in your life. 

Here’s another song to reflect and focus on praising Him for His goodness to you this past year:

God is so good:

3) Now onto 2022 and looking into the New Year. God says to us in Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  What are you hoping for as you look ahead to this year? What are you asking God for? What do you hope He shows you and does in your midst? What transformation do you want to see in your life this year? Jot these things down; this can be a marker that you return to throughout the year. Is there a scripture that comes to mind? Jot that down too. Are there people in your life that come to mind? Write them down too. Thank Him for His provision, grace, love and with-ness in 2021 and invite Him to lead the way and to move in and through you in 2022. 

*** Here’s something else to consider from our Advent devotional “Unwrapping the Names of Jesus” by Asheritah Ciuciu (we encourage you to read this if you have it and pick up a copy if you don’t). Which Names stood out to you the most in this season of life? Which do you hope to really know as you turn toward 2022? 

A great way to close your time this morning is in worship. You already may have a song or two in mind. Here’s a great one too: 


God bless you all!! Happy New Year to you!! We look forward to seeing you in 2022, as we look ahead to all that God has for us!