Neil Schori November 10, 2019 Sunday Teaching Into All The World Neil Schori November 10, 2019 Sunday Teaching Pastor Neil Schori brings a word on the great commission encouraging each individual to be sharers of the Gospel.
Steve Van Denend November 3, 2019 Sunday Teaching The Gospel of the Kingdom Steve Van Denend November 3, 2019 Sunday Teaching Pastor Steve Van Denend shares on the gospel message of the Kingdom.
Steve Van Denend October 13, 2019 Sunday Teaching The Great Commission Steve Van Denend October 13, 2019 Sunday Teaching Pastor Steve Van Denend brings us into the last section of our Reset series, where we will be focusing on The Gospel.
Neil Schori October 6, 2019 Sunday Teaching Hope In Dry Ground Neil Schori October 6, 2019 Sunday Teaching Pastor Neil Schori shares about domestic violence, including a personal account, growth journey, and a call to action for the church at large.
Brandi Schori September 15, 2019 Sunday Teaching Marriage Brandi Schori September 15, 2019 Sunday Teaching Neil and Brandi Schori share on Godly, loving marriage.
Steve Van Denend September 8, 2019 Sunday Teaching The Church Steve Van Denend September 8, 2019 Sunday Teaching Pastor Steve Van Denend shares from John 13:34-35, about loving one another as The Church.
Neil Schori September 1, 2019 Sunday Teaching Conflict Neil Schori September 1, 2019 Sunday Teaching Pastor Neil Schori continues in our Reset series with a message on loving one another while dealing with conflict.
Steve Van Denend August 25, 2019 Sunday Teaching Family Steve Van Denend August 25, 2019 Sunday Teaching Steve Van Denend shares on teaching and guiding our children in the ways of the Lord.
Brandi Schori August 18, 2019 Sunday Teaching Encourage One Another Brandi Schori August 18, 2019 Sunday Teaching Brandi Schori shares an inspiring word on how relationships within the church should look.
Neil Schori August 11, 2019 Sunday Teaching Love One Another Neil Schori August 11, 2019 Sunday Teaching Pastor Neil Schori leads us into the next section of our Reset series, covering relationships and loving one another
Steve Van Denend August 4, 2019 Sunday Teaching Loving God With All Your Soul Steve Van Denend August 4, 2019 Sunday Teaching Pastors Neil Schori and Steve Van Denend lead us through a time of scripture reading and encouragement.
Neil Schori July 28, 2019 Sunday Teaching Rest Neil Schori July 28, 2019 Sunday Teaching Pastor Neil Schori continues our “Reset” series with a word on rest