Steve Van Denend August 4, 2019 Sunday Teaching Loving God With All Your Soul Steve Van Denend August 4, 2019 Sunday Teaching Pastors Neil Schori and Steve Van Denend lead us through a time of scripture reading and encouragement.
Neil Schori July 28, 2019 Sunday Teaching Rest Neil Schori July 28, 2019 Sunday Teaching Pastor Neil Schori continues our “Reset” series with a word on rest
Ken Taylor July 21, 2019 Sunday Teaching Mental Health and The Church Part 2 Ken Taylor July 21, 2019 Sunday Teaching Ken Taylor continues sharing about the Lord's heart and way for his people to be mentally healthy
Ken Taylor July 14, 2019 Sunday Teaching Mental Health and The Church Ken Taylor July 14, 2019 Sunday Teaching One of our missionaries, Ken Taylor, gives insight on mental health in relation to the Church, and shares a heart for healthy relationships in the body of Christ
Brandi Schori June 16, 2019 Sunday Teaching Loving Through Works Brandi Schori June 16, 2019 Sunday Teaching Brandi Schori shares on loving God through our works
Steve Van Denend June 9, 2019 Sunday Teaching Gifts and Talents Steve Van Denend June 9, 2019 Sunday Teaching Pastor Steve Van Denend shares a word on using our gifts and talents to glorify God and edify the Body.
Neil Schori June 2, 2019 Sunday Teaching The Family of God Neil Schori June 2, 2019 Sunday Teaching Join us as we hear from multiple speakers about being in the family of God.
Tim Kiser May 19, 2019 Sunday Teaching Echoing Through Eternity Tim Kiser May 19, 2019 Sunday Teaching Tim Kiser shares wisdom on earning and wisely stewarding wealth to the glory of God.
Neil Schori May 12, 2019 Sunday Teaching Strength in Motherhood Neil Schori May 12, 2019 Sunday Teaching Pastor Neil Schori shares about the strength we see in Mary, the Mother of Jesus, as she stood by his side from conception to the grave.
Steve Van Denend May 5, 2019 Sunday Teaching Loving God With All Your Strength Steve Van Denend May 5, 2019 Sunday Teaching Pastor Steve Van Denend shares a word on loving God with our bodies.
Neil Schori April 28, 2019 Sunday Teaching Loving God in our Weakness Neil Schori April 28, 2019 Sunday Teaching Pastor Neil Shares on how we can love God in our weakness
Steve Van Denend April 21, 2019 Sunday Teaching Victory: An Easter Message Steve Van Denend April 21, 2019 Sunday Teaching Pastor Steve Van Denend shares an Easter message focused on living a victorious life in Jesus Christ.