Jesus Encounters the Temple
Steve Van Denend continues the All Things New message series with a look at Jesus' encounter in Jerusalem at the temple courts.
Steve Van Denend continues the All Things New message series with a look at Jesus' encounter in Jerusalem at the temple courts.
Tony Woodall unpacks Jesus' encounters at the wedding at Cana in John 2, continuing our series All Things New.
Steven Van Denend moves us into the next part of our All Things New series: Jesus Encounters. We're starting back at the beginning of John and looking at some of the key encounters Jesus has during his ministry and what these interactions mean for us. Our first stop? Jesus calls his disciples in John chapter 1.
Corey McNamara continues the All Things New message series with a discussion of John 15:1-17, the last of Jesus' "I am" statements.
Steve Van Denend brings a message for Easter 2016, continuing the All Things New message series in the book of John.
Steve Van Denend continues our All Things New series with a message from John chapter 10, where Jesus describes himself as "the door of the sheep."
Tony Woodall brings a message from John 14 about Jesus' "I am" statement and how it relates to the Church.
Mike Alvarez continues the All Things New series with a message from John 8:12-19.
Corey McNamara continues the All Things New series with a message on Jesus as the Bread of Life from John 6.
Steve Van Denend continues our All Things New series looking at Jesus' claim in John 8 to be the "I Am."